Severe G4 geomagnetic storm

poniedziałek, 12 sierpnia 2024 15:11 UTC

Severe G4 geomagnetic storm

Severe G4 geomagnetic storm conditions have now been observed which stands for a Kp of 8!

The north-south direction of the IMF (Bz) is now consistently southwards as the core of a coronal mass ejection passes our planet which brings this stable southward pointing Bz component ranging from -17nT to now -13nT. A southward (negative) pointing Bz component of the interplanetary field interacts well with Earth's magnetic field which makes it easier for solar wind particles to penetrate our atmosphere near the poles and this causes the gorgeous northern and southern lights. High latitude sky watchers and middle latitude sky watchers should be alert for aurora as soon as darkness falls.

A consistently southward pointing Bz component of the IMF is fueling auroral activity around the globe.
A consistently southward pointing Bz component of the IMF is fueling auroral activity around the globe.

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