Het archief bekijken van zaterdag 1 november 2014

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Goodbye sunspot region 2192, website updates

Solar activity is declining to lower levels as sunspot region 2192 has now rotated out of view and begins it's 2 week transit across the farside of the Sun. Sunspot region 2192 was the largest sunspot region in 24 years and it was exciting to follow it's development but we can conclude that it was perhaps a disappointing experience for aurora watchers around the world as sunspot region 2192 failed to launch any earth-directed coronal mass ejections. Sunspot region 2192 was nonetheless the type of sunspot region that we rarely see in any given solar cycle so of course it deserves our attention one more time. On YouTube we now have a video showing sunspot region 2192 as it evolved and the six X-class solar flares that it produced. But that's not all! We also introduced some new and exciting features today! We will tell you more about those later in this article.

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