Minor G1 geomagnetic storm conditions were observed earlier this night as a dense solar wind structure arrived at our planet. The north-south direction of the interplanetary magnetic field went mostly southward dipping as low as -9nT and that combined with the equinox effect caused us to reach minor G1 geomagnetic storm conditions at 02:45 UTC. Source is likely the southern extension of the polar coronal hole that you can see in this video from NASA/SDO.
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Actieve geomagnetische condities (Kp4) Drempel bereikt: 17:30 UTC
Matige M1.22 zonnevlam
Starttijd: 21/03/2025 15:57 UTC Geschatte snelheid: 242km/sec.
Kleine R1 radio blackout gedetecteerd (≥M1 - momenteel: M1.14)
G1 - Kleine geomagnetische storm (Kp5) Drempel bereikt: 20:59 UTC
Laatste X-klasse uitbarsting | 23/02/2025 | X2.0 |
Laatste M-klasse uitbarsting | 19/03/2025 | M1.5 |
Laatste geomagnetische storm | 14/03/2025 | Kp6- (G2) |
Zonnevlekkenloze dagen | |
Laatste zonnevlekkenloze dag | 08/06/2022 |
Maandelijks gemiddeld zonnevlekkengetal | |
februari 2025 | 154.6 +17.6 |
maart 2025 | 138.4 -16.2 |
Afgelopen 30 dagen | 143 -6.3 |