Het archief bekijken van maandag 29 juli 2024

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G3 geomagnetic storm watch

Good day everyone. We hope all of our visitors are enjoying their summer or of course their winter for the folks down under! We sure have been enjoying our summer break after what was a crazy month of May for the website during the period of the extreme G5 geomagnetic storm. Our apologies for the lack of updates despite the fairly active space weather but it is good to see many of our users activity using the app and enjoying the automated alerts to keep them informed. As a lot of you have noticed that your phone has been vibrating a lot due to high flaring activity on the Sun. As a matter of fact we have had at least one M or X-class solar flare every day ever since the 13th of July!

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Laatste nieuws

Steun Poollicht.be!

Om ook bereikbaar te blijven bij grote poollichtkansen hebben we een zware server nodig die alle bezoekers aankan. Doneer en steun dit project zodat we online blijven en je geen enkele poollichtkans mist!

SpaceWeatherLive Pro
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Ruimteweer feitjes

Laatste X-klasse uitbarsting08/12/2024X2.2
Laatste M-klasse uitbarsting22/12/2024M1.0
Laatste geomagnetische storm17/12/2024Kp5+ (G1)
Zonnevlekkenloze dagen
Laatste zonnevlekkenloze dag08/06/2022
Maandelijks gemiddeld zonnevlekkengetal
november 2024152.5 -13.9
december 2024103.3 -49.2
Afgelopen 30 dagen115.4 -40.8

Deze dag in de geschiedenis*

*sinds 1994

Sociale netwerken