More X-flares!

woensdag 15 mei 2024 18:40 UTC

More X-flares!

Sunspot region 3664 continues producing major solar flares even now that it rotated behind the west limb. An X3.4 solar flare that peaked at 08:37 UTC was highly eruptive and an impressive coronal mass ejection could be seen on LASCO coronagraph imagery from SOHO. The coronal mass ejection is however, as you might have guessed already, not aimed at our planet.

Sunspot region 3664 is now behind the west limb, firing of that X3.4 solar flare as she leaves the stage... but... it seems we are not done just yet! Another X-flare popped of at 14:38 UTC peaking at X2.9! But... surprise...! This solar flare wasn't from sunspot region 3664 but an unnumbered sunspot region on the east limb! Wow, is there yet another major flare player about to appear? The solar flare was eruptive and produced a large coronal mass ejection which was not aimed at our planet.

STEREO Ahead COR2 coronagraph imagery showing the CME heading east following an X2.9 solar flare from an unnumbered region behind the east limb.
STEREO Ahead COR2 coronagraph imagery showing the CME heading east following an X2.9 solar flare from an unnumbered region behind the east limb.

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