Het archief bekijken van woensdag 7 januari 2004


Bij elke genoemde zonnevlam in dit rapport werd een schaalfactor toegepast door het Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC). Vanwege de SWPC-schaalfactor worden zonnevlammen 42% kleiner gerapporteerd dan voor de wetenschappelijke data. De schaalfactor werd verwijderd uit onze gearchiveerde zonnevlamdata om de werkelijke fysieke eenheden weer te geven.
Rapport van de zonne- en geofysische activiteit van 2004 Jan 07 2200 UTC
Opgemaakt door de NOAA © SWPC en verwerkt door Poollicht.be

USAF/NOAA rapport van de zonneactiviteit en geofysische activiteit

SDF Nummer 007 gepubliceerd omstreeks 2200Z op 07 Jan 2004

IA. Analyse van de actieve zonneregio's en zonneactiviteit van 06-2100Z tot 07-2100Z

Solar activity was high. An M4 x-ray event occurred at 0404 UTC and an M8 x-ray event occurred at 1027 UTC. Both events were from Region 537 (N07E64) and were associated with type II sweeps and CMEs off the east limb. The region rotated more fully into view today as a small (280 millionths) but bright and magnetically complex sunspot group. Region 536 (S11W02) continues to be the largest group on the disk and is maintaining its beta-gamma-delta configuration. There was some indication today that the region may be slowly decaying. Region 536 could only manage to produce a couple B-class events. Two new, small, simple regions emerged on the disk today: Region 538 (N07E04) and Region 539 (N09E29).
IB. Voorspelling zonneactiviteit
Solar activity is expected to be moderate with a chance for isolated major flare activity. Region 537 is expected to remain active and Region 536 still has the potential for producing significant flare activity as well.
IIA. Samenvatting geofysische activiteit 06-2100Z tot 07-2100Z
The geomagnetic field ranged from unsettled to major storm levels during the past 24 hours. An enhancement in the solar wind flow was observed at ACE, beginning 2000 UTC on 06 January. The enhancement consisted of an increase in total field and in solar wind velocity, and included some extended negative Bz intervals in the -1 to -10 nT range. Although the flow was somewhat atypical (low density, high temperature), the signatures appear to be consistent with a CME led by a compression wave and expanding in low density solar wind that originated in association with the M6 x-ray event on 5 January. The slow rotation of Bz from negative to positive during the last 18 hours resulted in a decrease in geomagnetic activity during the last 5-6 hours of the period. The greater than 2 MeV electron fluxes were high during the past 24 hours.
IIB. Voorspelling geofysische activiteit
The geomagnetic field is expected to be mostly active with some minor storm periods for 08 January based on the continued influence of a high speed solar wind stream. Mostly active conditions should predominate on 09 January and a decline to mostly unsettled levels is expected on 10 January.
III. Kans zonnevlammen van 08 Jan tot 10 Jan
Klasse M65%65%65%
Klasse X15%15%15%
IV. Penticton 10.7 cm Flux
  Geobserveerd       07 Jan 119
  Voorspeld   08 Jan-10 Jan  120/125/125
  90 dagen gemiddelde        07 Jan 135
V. Geomagnetische A index
  Geobserveerd Afr/Ap 06 Jan  017/020
  Geraamd     Afr/Ap 07 Jan  030/030
  Voorspeld    Afr/Ap 08 Jan-10 Jan  025/030-020/020-015/015
VI. Kansen op geomagnetische activiteit van 08 Jan tot 10 Jan
A. Gemiddelde breedtegraad
Kleine storm25%20%15%
Zware-ernstige stormcondities15%10%05%
B. Hoge breedtegraad
Kleine storm50%35%25%
Zware-ernstige stormcondities25%20%15%

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De snelheid van de zonnewind is gematigd hoog (535.4 km/sec.)
De sterkte van het interplanetair magnetisch veld is matig (11.85nT), de richting is licht Zuidelijk (-0.59nT).

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