Het archief bekijken van zondag 25 november 2012
Bij elke genoemde zonnevlam in dit rapport werd een schaalfactor toegepast door het Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC). Vanwege de SWPC-schaalfactor worden zonnevlammen 42% kleiner gerapporteerd dan voor de wetenschappelijke data. De schaalfactor werd verwijderd uit onze gearchiveerde zonnevlamdata om de werkelijke fysieke eenheden weer te geven.
Rapport van de zonne- en geofysische activiteit van 2012 Nov 25 2200 UTC
Opgemaakt door de NOAA © SWPC en verwerkt door Poollicht.beUSAF/NOAA rapport van de zonneactiviteit en geofysische activiteit
SDF Nummer 330 gepubliceerd omstreeks 2200Z op 25 Nov 2012
IA. Analyse van de actieve zonneregio's en zonneactiviteit van 24-2100Z tot 25-2100Z
Solar activity has been at low levels for the past 24 hours.
The largest solar event of the period was a C1 event observed at
25/2014Z from the west limb. Region 1618 (N08W55) was responsible for a
B9 flare at 24/0617Z. Region 1618 was classified as an Ekc type group
covering 270 millions of the visible solar disk. Further magnetic
simplification was observed in Region 1618s leader spot, however it
contained a delta in its larger trailing spot earlier in the period.
Region 1620 (S13W14) appeared to develop gamma characteristics over the
past 24 hours. New flux emergence was noted in the southeast quadrant
near S17E38 and S24E30. These regions were small, simple beta type
groups and will be monitored for continued development before being
IB. Voorspelling zonneactiviteit
Solar activity is expected to be at low
levels on days one, two, and three (26 Nov, 27 Nov, 28 Nov) with a
chance for an M-class event.
IIA. Samenvatting geofysische activiteit 24-2100Z tot 25-2100Z
The geomagnetic
field has been at quiet levels for the past 24 hours. There were no
obvious signs the 21 November CME passage in the time series data from
the ACE spacecraft in the past 24 hours. Solar wind speed began rising
slowly from 350 km/s around 25/0400 UTC and peaked at 487 km/s 11 hours
later. The Phi angle was near 225 degrees until 25/1000 UTC when it
became variable. It came to rest at 315 degrees (negative sector) about
90 minutes later. Coincident with the variable period, Bz became
negative. In the hours prior, it had been between 0 and +10nT. The
temperature also began rising about the same time as the wind speed, but
peaked around 25/1100 UTC. The EPAM instrument reported low energy
particle flux rose from around 25/0600 to 0900 UTC, but abruptly leveled
off afterwards and only minor fluctuations have followed. Total IMF
reached 12.3 nT at 25/0303Z. The maximum southward component of Bz
reached -8.1 nT at 25/1259Z.
IIB. Voorspelling geofysische activiteit
The geomagnetic field should begin
at mostly quiet levels with some isolated unsettled periods. WSA-ENLIL
model runs place the 23 Nov CME at earth at the earliest by 15 UTC on
the 26th and at the latest by about 00 UTC on the 27th. With the CME
arrival, conditions are expected to be unsettled to active with a slight
chance for isolated minor storm levels, particularly at high latitudes.
III. Kans zonnevlammen van 26 Nov tot 28 Nov
Klasse M | 30% | 30% | 30% |
Klasse X | 05% | 05% | 05% |
Proton | 01% | 01% | 01% |
PCAF | green
IV. Penticton 10.7 cm Flux
Geobserveerd 25 Nov 121
Voorspeld 26 Nov-28 Nov 120/115/110
90 dagen gemiddelde 25 Nov 123
V. Geomagnetische A index
Geobserveerd Afr/Ap 24 Nov 011/015
Geraamd Afr/Ap 25 Nov 005/006
Voorspeld Afr/Ap 26 Nov-28 Nov 009/010-013/015-008/008
VI. Kansen op geomagnetische activiteit van 26 Nov tot 28 Nov
A. Gemiddelde breedtegraad |
Actief | 20% | 25% | 10% |
Kleine storm | 10% | 10% | 05% |
Zware-ernstige stormcondities | 01% | 01% | 01% |
B. Hoge breedtegraad |
Actief | 15% | 15% | 15% |
Kleine storm | 25% | 25% | 15% |
Zware-ernstige stormcondities | 30% | 35% | 15% |
Alle tijden in UTC
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